Tag Archives: posts

Happy Birthday to this here blog

Today is my one year blogging anniversary. Happy birthday to meeee! Or to be more accurate Happy Birthday to Jemm Frances Say’s So.

I'll make a wish for all of you lovely readers.

I’ve loved every blogging minute of writing these posts and displaying them for your viewing pleasure and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading them just as much.

In celebration of this happy milestone I’ve decided to link up some of my favourite past posts as these things tend to get lost in the blogosphere.

LDN Baby

Dear Jemm:  A letter to my future self

Tanning No Tar

Mean Girls. So much for sisterhood

Down Memory Lane: It’s 1998 & I love the Spice Girls

No to size 0

Listen up Ladies, be a class act

A turn in the Tardis

Shine your light


Here’s to another fun filled, rant-tastic year and many more posts 🙂

Thank you to all the dear visitors and readers of Jemm Frances Say’s So, all the comments and feedback are much appreciated.

Here’s a piece of cake for you:

Jemm xoxo

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Filed under I just had to tell you this

Adios Amigos

Right, well the time has come, in a few hours time I will be jetting off to Tenerife. Sorry to rub it in for all of those staying home, try and make the best of this crappy weather.

I won’t be posting for a wee while, try not to miss me too much 🙂 I will try my best to get a post up after I come back but before my operation.


That's me on the beach there! Can you see me?!

Speak soon,

Jemm xoxo

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Filed under I just had to tell you this

An explanation of my imminent absence

I started this blog because I love writing, in my own style and in my own way, and about whatever takes my fancy. Throughout my uni years I half-heartedly attempted other blogs then got fed up of them after a couple of posts, never knowing what else to write about. I’d also loose confidence after a few posts and think “bugger this, who cares about what I write?” I then got inspired and started writing this blog and I swore to myself that I would keep it up with regular ideas and posts. I stopped thinking “bugger this” and started thinking “bugger them” because if people don’t care what I have to say then they don’t have to read the blog, I began writing this blog for me, not for other people and I think that is where I have gone wrong in the past. The fact that I have so many people telling me they like and enjoy reading my blog is just a very lovely bonus (so if your one of them thank you.)

But being the kind of person that I am (not weird, just slightly obsessive compulsive) I put pressure on myself to make sure every post is the best that it can be. When I don’t post for a while I feel guilty and I have a nagging thought at the back of my mind that says “Blog, blog, blog!” I beat myself up about it but I take that as a good sign. It illustrates that I actually give a shit about this blog and that I enjoy writing it. I mean it’s not on the scrap-heap of blogs past yet is it?

I’m saying this because I know I haven’t had a proper post up in a while and I’m feeling a bit guilty about it. I promise that one is on it’s way so keep your eye out for it next week. I also wanted to take this opportunity to say that once that post is up there might not be another one for a little while. Heres why.  In about a week I jet off to Tenerife for two weeks (happy days!) I could always take my Mac with me and blog from abroad but I wouldn’t want to get sand in my laptop or drop it in the pool right? After these glorious two weeks I head home for another jam packed two weeks of normal-ness full of six months worth of things I won’t be able to do after my operation which is scheduled for the 1st November. The op is a pretty big one so it might take a couple of weeks for me to feel in touch with reality again.

On the bright side, once I’m out of hospital I will have a whole fabulous six months of not being able to go anywhere or do anything normal thanks to a big, heavy metal cage thing attached to my leg, this equals plenty of time to sit at home and blog! Every cloud has a silver lining eh?

So for anyone that occasionally checks the blog over the next few weeks I haven’t forgotten it, I’ve just got a lot going on over the next month or so. I will try my best to get a post up before the op but those two weeks after I come home from Tenerife are going to be pretty hectic.

So there. There might not be that many posts over the next month or so and I just wanted to try and ease my guilt by letting you know I have not abandoned the blog and also to apologise for my absence to anyone that reads my posts.

Look out for the new post next week, then keep your eye out for the following posts which will probably contain tirades about hospital food, daytime telly, and the fact that I will no longer be able to wear jeans, leggings, jeggings, tights and other general winter fashions due to the ‘Cage Of Doom’! Fun Fun!

Ciao for now.

Jemm xoxo


Filed under I just had to tell you this, Personal