Tag Archives: Hair

Instagram Diary…


1. New phone fashion. Iridescent phone case, Topshop.

2. As far as train time views go, this ones not too bad. 

3. Pink fluffy marshmallows. 

4. Bless good hair days 😉

5. New dress, Topshop.

6. Not too impressed with the new Twitter profile design. What do you guys think?

7. Loving this cooling eye mask. Gives my emerald peepers a bit of boost in the sparkle stakes. 

8. Yorkshire Wildlife Park ice cream.

9. When your eye make up goes on just perf. 

10. Going to have some creative fun with Wreck This Journal.

11. A trip to the hairdressers makes me a fabulous hair haver for just a little while. 

12. Leather Pencil Skirt, Topshop.

Jemm xoxo


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Filed under Instagram, Week In Pictures

Heart Your Hairdresser…

PicMonkey Collage

Today I’ve been to the hairdressers.

So what right?

To anyone else that’s a totally unremarkable statement, but to us ladies, the fabulous hair having kind, we know the state of nervous excitement an appointment with this important person can cause.

I haven’t gone for a dramatic new cut or colour, in fact I’ve gone for the same style and hue as usual, but I still get that buzz of anticipation when I put my treasured tresses is someone else’s hands. This is why the value of a good hair stylist can never be underestimated. In our lives plenty will come and go but eventually, if you haven’t already, you’ll find ‘The One.’

Sound familiar? While I was sat in ‘The Chair’ I reflected on the relationship we have with these hair-carers. It is based on trust and mutual understanding, which is kinda like the relationship we have with boyfriends. I think I’ve found the one. Hairdresser that is, not boyfriend. Ewww, please I’m only, like, twenty-five.

As the old adage goes, you have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince and similarly you have to let a few crazy chop-a-lots loose on your locks before you find the stylist right for you. It’s all about learning from your mistakes and trust me when I say I’ve had some dodgy ex-hairdressers in my time.

Like, how about the one who barcoded the back of my head with blonde streaks (c’mon I was a teen) only to ignore her error because hey, I couldn’t see the back of my head anyway!  Or the one who moonlighted as a daylight robber on the side by charging me a fortune for a cut I didn’t even want? Ex’s for a reason ladies.

But rising gloriously from the ashes of these bad experiences like a beacon of hope for hair is my current stylist Leanne. Leanne has been tending to my tresses for about 9 years now and I swear I’ve never looked at another hairdresser since. Even while at university I’d travel home on weekends so my hair could be looked after by none other than Leanne. Long distance can totally work. Having anyone else touch my hair would have been tantamount to cheating. I tried to explain this to a friend who suggested I find somewhere new to get my hair done like everyone else who’d moved away to uni. Say what? Mad cow.

You see Leanne just gets my ‘long hair don’t care’ attitude and understands the simple concept of a trim (you’d be surprised by how many hairdressers don’t.) She knows what I want before I ask for it and knows what not to suggest (i.e. a cut bigger than a trim.) She’s stood by me through some tough times like having the beloved black stripped from my hair, my hard to maintain ‘red’ phase and my latest dip dye dilemma and never judged. Honestly I feel our friendship is all the stronger for it.

When it comes to hairdressers you know you’ve found ‘The One’ when you find yourself anxiously making a contingency plan for the day they won’t be able to cut your hair. What if I move away? What if Leanne moves away? Has a career change? What if I’m forced to have my hair cut on a Tuesday (her day off?) What if I need my locks colouring while she’s off getting married in Ibiza this May? What if after getting married she has kids, stays in Ibiza and never comes back to the salon? What if a zombie apocalypse happens? What if an ACTUAL apocalypse happens? WHAT WOULD I DO THEN???

Sorry, wound myself into a total bitch fit there. Note to self: back up plan required.

A successful trip to the salon can make the world of difference to a girl’s state of mind and overall happiness. After all, look good feel great right? But the person responsible for these miracle mood boosters gets a bit of a rough deal. A good hairdresser slaves away over your barnet for hours on end for a parting “Thanks, I love it!” while you reap all the rewards of their hard work. So credit where it’s due and in celebration of our upcoming 10 year anniversary, Leanne Bradley, snaps to ya babe, snaps to ya! 

For all those yet to find ‘The One’ don’t throw up your hands and buy a home hair dye kit just yet, stick with it. Your Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Perfect Stylist is out there somewhere. You have to suffer the bad and incompetent to get to the great and the good. The positive advice I can give is trust your instincts and never settle for less than you deserve. When choosing this relationship you definitely want to follow your head. 

Jemm xoxo

P.S. If you found this post by Googling ‘Finding The One,’ yeah, you’re totally in the wrong place. Unless of course you’re looking for a new hairdresser.  

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Filed under I just had to tell you this, Personal

Instagram Diary…



1. On Monday’s we wear stripes…

2. This week I’ve discovered that Victoria’s Secret is my new fave shop. Move over Doutzen Kroes!

3. Taking advantage of the sale with this cute body mist/fragrance set. 

4. New ‘in handbag’ makeup bag. Primark special at only £3!

5. Oh god it happened again. Twice in one week! This time I hit the VS sale with my sister…

6. Couldn’t resist these Pure Seduction smellies! Who knew that red plum and freesia could smell so good!

7. Silky leopard print robe. I wish I could wear it all the time!

8. Loved the Victoria’s Secret polka dot bag so much I put it on my nails. Combo of Models Own, Nails Inc and Topshop polishes. 

9. Costa just went and topped themselves by producing this fine specimen. Tiramisu cake. Cake, that tastes like Tiramisu! *Dies*

10. Really want to try out this Real Techniques Silicone Eyeliner brush. Such a liner queen.

11. Love freshly washed flicky hair.

12. Jazzy new phone case.

Find/follow me on Instagram @ JemmFrances



Jemm xoxo 

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Filed under Instagram, Week In Pictures

Instagram Diary…



1. Coveting this iridescent Topshop clutch. 

2. Love a trip to the hair dressers. Bouncy curls.

3. Heard lots of good things about Beauty Blenders so thought I’d give them a try.

4. Was excited at the arrival of my ASOS bobble hat. This will keep my ears toasty warm this winter.

5. Rimmel eyeshadow primer. 

6.Company Magazine getting all glittery for December.

7. Loving this lip colour in Company’s beauty feature.

8. At 25 years of age is Macaroni Cheese still an acceptable dinner choice? Oh well.

9. Monsoon notebook. Perfect present for a glitterbug.

10. Feeling all Christmassy seeing decoration everywhere. 

11. Nails. Spent ages fishing stars out of a glitter nail polish bottle. 

12. Screw you Starbucks! Costa Christmas cups. 

Find/Follow me on Instagram @ JemmFrances

What has your week looked like?

Jemm xoxo

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Filed under Instagram, Week In Pictures

Instagram Diary & A Quick Note…

Hi guys!

It’s been a while hasn’t it? Lately the time seems to have run away from me and whenever I’ve sat down to write a post I’ve either hit a literary wall (literary, not literal, ouch!) or I have been distracted by something else. I know, bad blogger. But I am happy to report that I’m working on a post that should be up at some point during the week. 

Also, this Instagram Diary contains pics from the last two weeks as I tried to post up last Sunday but for some reason my WordPress account was acting all kinds of hell crazy and barred me from posting on my own blog. Rude. 

Anyway, enjoy and keep your eye on the fresh post popping up on here soon. 


1. MAC Candy Yum Yum. Have been coveting this for WEEKS and had to order online in the end. £14. 

2. Had my hair did. If only it would look like that without me having to do anything.

3. New Ralph Lauren specs. It’s scandalous that it costs an absolute fortune to not be blind.

4. Longest plate ever. Surely you get shorter runways.

5. So I figure it’s like this: there are 365 days in a year and in this country only about 9 of them will be sunny so you have to eat the McFlurries while you can.

6. Since the glasses cost a small fortune I better wear this pair.

7. Stop the press! A latte that wasn’t from Costa that I actually enjoyed. Shock face :-O 

8. In my opinion stupidly expensive for a lipstick but it had to be done at least once. Estee Lauder Crystal Honey.

9. New Jumper. Wallis.

10. Bunnies! Sunny day at Clumber Park.

11. Hoop earrings. River Island. I checked that I didn’t look like Tina McIntyre or a big fat gypsy bride before purchasing. 

12. Phone’s new outfit.

13. Oh hi pink lips! 

14. I have discovered the Illamasqua counter in Meadowhall. God help us all, but mostly me. 

15. Bright leopard print nails. Combination of Topshop, Illamasqua, Essie & Models Own polishes. 

Follow/Find me on Instagram @ JemmFrances

Have a happy week.

Jemm xoxo

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Filed under I just had to tell you this, Instagram, Week In Pictures

Week In Pictures

L-R: Trinket box present all the way from the States, Leopard print dress & leather jacket look for tea out with a friend, A shot of my super long hair, Rice lunch, Nasty cut: beware cardboard shoes boxes kids!, MAC make up haul, MAC Pretty Please, Miss Selfridge top, River Island dress, Topshop necklace, Urban Outfitter polish in Studio 54, New Topshop boots, Nails, Day time make up look, Pretty flowers, Holiday list so I don’t forget to remember, Leopard dress for a shopping day, Hazelnut latte, I want this dress!, The heat in Tenerife I’ll be there next tuesday, New MAC Face & Body foundation in C1, Shirt shorts & blazer combo, Fridays face, My nails latest look, Spag Bol for tea, Doodling stars is what happens when you put a pen in my hand, Wish I had a Megan Fox body for my holidays, Current reading material.

Follow me on Instagram  JemmFrances


Jemm xoxo

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Filed under Week In Pictures

Week In Pictures

L-R: Yummy flapjack, Company mags ice cream sarnies! Waiting to get my hair done at the hairdressers, New Topshop top which I think will be perfect tucked into skirts or shorts, my new hair do, Another new Topshop top (need to avoid the Toppers trap) Friday’s shopping trip outfit: Topshop top & Topshop skirt, Friday night’s Chinese meal, Friday nights outfit: Topshop top & Miss Selfridge skirt, Essie in Fiji, My weekly fix of a hazelnut latte, Saturday night sweet treat, new nail polish storage box made by Papa Smith, Freshly painted nails, Mamma Smith’s homemade jam tarts.

Follow me on Instagram: Jemm Frances

Jemm xoxo

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Filed under Week In Pictures

The nations Tweedheart ♥

YES! She finally did it! You go girl!

Cheryl has at last, this week,  announced her divorce from love rat husband Trashley Cole. Lets face it, she can do so much better. So in celebration of this happy news I think that now would be the perfect time to dedicate a whole post (as promised) to my favourite person and the nations Geordie sweetheart. From now on, please call her Tweedy.

There are some things that I just love. No concrete, justifiable reason, I just do. And Cheryl Tweedy is one of them. So, to do my admiration of this woman justice she needs a post all of her very own.

I never watched Popstars: The Rivals and I cannot attest to being a Girls Aloud fan. Over the span of their career I don’t think I’ve liked even one of their songs. No matter how many times I’ve heard them I just can’t force myself to like them. I mean be honest, they’re no Spice Girls. 😀

It’s fair to say that back in the Girls Aloud hayday the most I would have been able to tell you about Cheryl was that she was ‘the geordie one.’ That in itself wasn’t to difficult to discern since all you had to choose from was the Irish one, the Bradford one, the brash blonde one or the ginger one. Not too difficult really once she’d opened her gob. To begin with I paid Cheryl no attention at all.

Oh dear.

Blonde one, Ginger one, Irish one, Bradford one, Geordie one (Cheryl)

The first time that I could have singled Cheryl out from the rest of her band mates happened when she hit a toilet attendant in a nightclub and only then because of the media circus that surrounded her and her court appearance. The press branded her a racist and her popularity plummeted. So much for first impressions eh?

However despite people chatting to the contrary this ‘set back’ did nothing to hinder the success of the girlband and for 6 years they continued to hit up the charts. It wasn’t until 2008, when Girls Aloud were ‘on a break’ (girlband talk for split up) that Cheryl’s star began to rise. In this time she had morphed from a popstar who punched toilet attendants for lollipops to wannabe WAG chav to Girls Aloud favourite and finally to Britain’s biggest star.

Cheryl's WAG chav days. Urgh!

Granted I am a little late to the ‘We Cheryl’ party, but better late than never. I like to think of Cheryl pre 2008 as a diamond in the rough. The potential was always there, she just needed someone and something to work these raw materials into a masterpiece.

That someone was Simon Cowell and that Something was The X Factor. I will give the devil his due and thank Mr Cowell for giving a judging spot to Cheryl who provided the panel with some much needed glitz. It was on the X that the viewing public finally got to see the real Cheryl. She endeared herself to millions as the down to earth lass who grew up on a piss-poor council estate in Newcastle, but in spite of all her fame and fortune she was still a normal girl capable of identifying with contestants. It was on the show that we got to see her sense of humour, her caring but fiery personality and of course (sorry for being shallow) her wardrobe. The glamour that Cheryl brought to the show was unbeatable with the designer clothes, killer heels and big hair. What’s not to love? In 2008 she stole the X Factor crown, then in 2009 she repeated her success to be once again crowned Queen, proving she’s a judge to be reckoned with. In 2010 I think they should build her a thrown to sit on or something.

Thank you Simon

If I am writing a post about Cheryl (which I am) then I have to mention my friend Christopher. No one else understands my love and will listen to me spout off about Cheryl like CJ.  Many a minute when we should have been working has been spent discussing Ms Tweedy and her AMAZE-NESS. As unashamedly obsessed with the X Factor as I am, Christopher and I have spent many a happy Saturday night arguing who wore it best, who’s rocking what hairstyle and who overall is generally more fabulous- Ms Tweedy or Ms Minogue? Team Tweedy all the way! (Sorry CJ!)

Cheryl totes wins 🙂

Another reason I heart Cheryl aside from all the material ones such as her to die for wardrobe, her shampoo advert hair and damn right irritating prettiness is her determination. She had a dream and she worked hard to achieve it. She didn’t let a council estate, or a lack of money stop her. Because of her background she is fully aware that nothing is ever handed to you on  plate and that work ethic has served her well. No matter what drama surrounds her on any given day you will still see her making appearances and doing her job.

I’m fully aware that she doesn’t exactly have the most challenging or difficult job in the world but she certainly keeps herself busy. As well as being a member of Britain’s most popular girl band and a part of the country’s biggest TV show, last year also saw Cheryl launch her solo singing career. I will be the first to admit that Cheryl is by no means Leona Lewis in the voice stakes but her success cannot be sniffed at. Do I have Cheryl’s album on my iPod? No, but I don’t have to love her music to love her.

Fight for this love? Don't bother darlin, I'm about to tell you why...

The next point to be discussed is her soon to be EX husband. What a twat. I apologize but that needed to be said. While I would be more than happy to ignore his existence he (regrettably) features in the Cheryl Tweedy story. I would like to make clear how uncomfortable I feel saying his name. It’s like saying Voldemort out loud. In fact I’d rather incur the wrath of said dark wizard than say Ash….no. Lets call him Trashley, it’s far more fitting. I mean what is wrong with this man? If Cheryl isn’t good enough then what hope is there for the rest of us? I cant talk for his talent on the pitch because I hate football and don’t really understand it but I know for a fact he’s not talented enough to warrant getting paid £100,000 a week. Lately the only thing footballers seem to possess any talent for is cheating on their wives or girlfriends. They get more attention due to their infidelity than to any goals scored. Trashley cheated the first time and Cheryl forgave him (more fool her) but instead of learning his lesson the dim witted footballer was confronted with allegations of FIVE other alleged affairs. And footballers really need to question why people think they are stupid?! After he humiliated her once Cheryl wasn’t prepared to let him do it again and FINALLY gave him the boot. Females up and down the country rejoiced! Girl Power! Never before has her L’Oreal advert been more appropriate. Weak, limp and lifeless? That’s not your hair Cheryl, its your husband.

Yeah right back at ya pal. Boooooo!

Confirmation of the divorce came from camp Cheryl just this week with some unconfirmed reports suggesting it could all be over and done with before the World Cup. This quickie divorce could be down to the fact that Cheryl has made no demands, not for money nor for the house that the couple once shared, and why should she? She’s a strong, independent woman.

I love Cheryl for lots of reasons. And I don’t mean in a ‘I want to be WITH her’ kind of way, I will leave that to  the boys. Instead it’s more of an admiration and respect for a woman not that much older than I am who had ambition and followed it. Shes just the girl from Newcastle who done good. A normal girl who so far hasn’t let fame and fortune go to her head. I love Cheryl for the determination she had to change her life. I love that her mum is her best friend and she’s not ashamed to admit it. I love the fact that the woman who was recently voted the most beautiful woman in the world called herself ‘manky’ in an interview with Harper’s Bazaar. And yes I love the glitz, the glam, the hair, the wardrobe, if that makes me shallow then burn me at the stake. Long may her reign as Britain’s Tweedtheart continue.

Manky? Ridiculous!

The higher the hair, the closer to heaven.

I would like to think that if I ever met Ms Tweedy, which my cousin has by the way. When he told me this my jealousy turned me such a spectacular shade of green that even the Wicked Witch of the West would have been proud, but I digress. If I met Cheryl I would like to think I would strike up a witty conversation and discover that we had shitloads in common and then we would become instant BFFs. In reality it’s more likely that I would mumble something incoherent, go bright red then burst into a chours of OMG’s as soon as her back was turned.

Each to their own opinions and all that but don’t let me catch you slagging her off in my presence. For those of you that still doubt my reasons for heart -ing Cheryl I say go back and read this post again you fools! Then make a choice. Either jump on the ‘We Cheryl’ train or get off the tracks. Tar.

Jemm xox

P.s Don’t forget the most important lesson Cheryl has taught us:

'Mrs C' Removing that is gonna hurt.

Tattoo’s are for life, not just for marriages.


Filed under Things I Love